import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from WBTSdata import vocabularies
from WBTSdata import attr_input
import logging
import yaml
import time
from . import tools
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def rename_dimensions(ds, rename_dict=vocabularies.dims_rename_dict):
Renames dimensions in the dataset based on the provided dictionary for OG1.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The input dataset containing dimensions to be renamed.
rename_dict (dict): A dictionary where keys are the old dimension names and values are the new dimension names.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with renamed dimensions.
for old_name, new_name in rename_dict.items():
if old_name in ds.dims:
ds = ds.rename({old_name: new_name})
return ds
def rename_variables(ds, rename_dict=vocabularies.standard_names):
Renames variables in the dataset based on the provided dictionary for OG1.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The input dataset containing variables to be renamed.
rename_dict (dict): A dictionary where keys are the old variable names and values are the new variable names.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with renamed variables.
for old_name, new_name in rename_dict.items():
suffixes = ['', '_qc', '_raw', '_raw_qc']
variants = [old_name + suffix for suffix in suffixes]
variants_new = [new_name + suffix.upper() for suffix in suffixes]
for variant in variants:
new_name1 = variants_new[variants.index(variant)]
if new_name1 in ds.variables:
print(f"Warning: Variable '{new_name1}' already exists in the dataset.")
elif variant in ds.variables:
ds = ds.rename({variant: new_name1})
elif variant in ds.variables:
ds = ds.rename({variant: new_name1})
return ds
def assign_variable_attributes(ds, vocab_attrs=vocabularies.vocab_attrs, unit_format=vocabularies.unit_str_format):
Assigns variable attributes to a dataset where they are missing and reformats units according to the provided unit_format.
Attributes that already exist in the dataset are not changed, except for unit reformatting.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset to which attributes will be assigned.
vocab_attrs (dict): A dictionary containing the vocabulary attributes to be assigned to the dataset variables.
unit_str_format (dict): A dictionary mapping old unit strings to new formatted unit strings.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with updated attributes.
attr_warnings (set): A set containing warning messages for attribute mismatches.
attr_warnings = set()
for var in ds.variables:
if var in vocab_attrs:
for attr, new_value in vocab_attrs[var].items():
if attr in ds[var].attrs:
old_value = ds[var].attrs[attr]
if old_value in unit_format:
ds[var].attrs[attr] = unit_format[old_value]
old_value = ds[var].attrs[attr]
if old_value != new_value:
warning_msg = f"Warning: Variable '{var}' attribute '{attr}' mismatch: Old value: {old_value}, New value: {new_value}"
# print(warning_msg)
ds[var].attrs[attr] = new_value
return ds, attr_warnings
def attr_cruise(ds, config):
Generate a dictionary of attributes for a cruise based on the given dataset and configuration.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset containing the cruise data.
config (dict): The configuration dictionary.
dict: A dictionary containing the cruise attributes.
# If the config is not provided, get it using the tools.get_config() function
if not isinstance(config, dict):
config = tools.get_config()
# Extract the necessary attributes from the dataset and configuration
GC_string = ds.GC_STRING.values[0]
project_id = config[GC_string]['Cruise']['cruise_id']
platform = config[GC_string]['Cruise']['ship']
time_cruise_start = config[GC_string]['Cruise']['start_date']
time_cruise_end = config[GC_string]['Cruise']['end_date']
sections = config[GC_string]['Cruise']['sections']
contributor_CTD = config[GC_string]['CTD_Contributor']['name']
contributor_ADCP = config[GC_string]['ADCP_Contributor']['name']
geospatial_lat_min = ds.LATITUDE.values.min()
geospatial_lat_max = ds.LATITUDE.values.max()
geospatial_lon_min = ds.LONGITUDE.values.min()
geospatial_lon_max = ds.LONGITUDE.values.max()
if 'PRES' in ds.variables:
geospatial_vertical_min = ds.PRES.values.min()
geospatial_vertical_max = ds.PRES.values.max()
geospatial_vertical_min = ds.DEPTH.values.min()
geospatial_vertical_max = ds.DEPTH.values.max()
date_created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
### create a directory with all specific attributes for the cruise
attr_cruise = {'project_id': project_id,
'platform': platform,
'time_cruise_start': time_cruise_start,
'time_cruise_end': time_cruise_end,
'sections': sections,
'contributor_CTD': contributor_CTD,
'contributor_ADCP': contributor_ADCP,
'geospatial_lat_min': geospatial_lat_min,
'geospatial_lat_max': geospatial_lat_max,
'geospatial_lon_min': geospatial_lon_min,
'geospatial_lon_max': geospatial_lon_max,
'geospatial_vertical_min': geospatial_vertical_min,
'geospatial_vertical_max': geospatial_vertical_max,
'date_created': date_created,
return attr_cruise
def add_attributes(ds, config):
Add attributes to the variables in a dataset.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset to which attributes will be added.
attr_dict (dict): A dictionary where keys are variable names and values are dictionaries of attributes to add.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with added attributes.
if not isinstance(config, dict):
config = tools.get_config()
attributes = attr_input.attr_general
### add the cruise specific attributes
attributes.update(attr_cruise(ds, config))
if 'TEMP' in ds.variables:
elif 'U_WATER_VELOCITY' and 'TEMP' in ds.variables:
### put the atributes in the right order
attributes = {key: attributes[key] for key in attr_input.order_of_attr}
### add the attributes to the dataset
for key, value in attributes.items():
ds.attrs[key] = value
return ds
def process_dataset(ds, config):
Process a dataset by renaming dimensions and variables, assigning attributes, and adding attributes.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset to process.
config (dict): The configuration dictionary.
xarray.Dataset: The processed dataset.
if not isinstance(config, dict):
config = tools.get_config()
# Extract the dataset for 'sg_data_point'
# Must be after split_ds
renamed_ds = rename_dimensions(ds)
# Rename variables according to the OG1 vocabulary
# Must be after rename_dimensions
renamed_ds = rename_variables(renamed_ds)
# Convert units in renamed_ds (especially cm/s to m/s)
renamed_ds = tools.convert_units(renamed_ds)
# Assign attributes to the variables
# Must be ater rename_variables
renamed_ds, attr_warnings = assign_variable_attributes(renamed_ds)
# Add attributes to the dataset
renamed_ds = add_attributes(renamed_ds, config)
#vars_to_remove = vocabularies.vars_to_remove
#ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars([var for var in vars_to_remove if var in ds_new.variables])
return renamed_ds, attr_warnings