import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from seagliderOG1 import vocabularies
import gsw
from seagliderOG1 import utilities
import logging
from datetime import datetime
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
variables_sensors = {
"CNDC": "CTD",
"DOXY": "dissolved gas sensors",
"PRES": "CTD",
"PSAL": "CTD",
"TEMP": "CTD",
"BBP700": "fluorometers",
"CHLA": "fluorometers",
"PRES_ADCP": "ADVs and turbulence probes",
# EFW 2025-01-01: This could be improved
# Sensor information is contained in the basestation file as a variable (e.g., 'wlbb2f') or
# in the sg_cal strings, e.g. calibcomm_oxygen or calibcomm_optode contains 'SBE 43F' or 'Optode 4330F'
# Using this, and the presense of calibration coefficients (e.g., optode_FoilCoefA1), we can make
# a guess as to the sensor type
def gather_sensor_info(ds_other, ds_sgcal, firstrun=False):
Gathers sensor information from the provided datasets and organizes it into a new dataset.
ds_other (xarray.Dataset): The dataset containing sensor data.
ds_sgcal (xarray.Dataset): The dataset containing calibration data.
firstrun (bool, optional): A flag indicating if this is the first run. Defaults to False.
xarray.Dataset: A dataset containing the gathered sensor information.
- The function looks for specific sensor names in the `ds_other` dataset and adds them to a new dataset `ds_sensor`.
- If 'aanderaa4330_instrument_dissolved_oxygen' is present in `ds_other`, it is renamed to 'aa4330'.
- If 'Pcor' is present in `ds_sgcal`, an additional sensor 'sbe43' is created based on 'sbe41' with specific attributes.
- If 'optode_FoilCoefA1' is present in `ds_sgcal`, an additional sensor 'aa4831' is created based on 'sbe41' with specific attributes.
- The function sets appropriate attributes for the sensors 'aa4330', 'aa4831', and 'sbe43' if they are present.
# Gather sensors
sensor_names = ['wlbb2f', 'sbe41', 'aa4330', 'aa4381', 'aa4330f', 'aa4381f']
ds_sensor = xr.Dataset()
if 'aanderaa4330_instrument_dissolved_oxygen' in ds_other.variables:
ds_other['aa4330'] = ds_other['aanderaa4330_instrument_dissolved_oxygen']
for sensor in sensor_names:
if sensor in ds_other:
ds_sensor[sensor] = ds_other[sensor]
if 'Pcor' in ds_sgcal:
ds_sensor['sbe43'] = ds_sensor['sbe41']
ds_sensor['sbe43'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Sea-Bird SBE 43F Oxygen Sensor'
ds_sensor['sbe43'].attrs['ancillary_variables'] = 'sg_cal_Pcor sg_cal_Foffset sg_cal_A sg_cal_B sg_cal_C sg_cal_E sg_cal_Soc'
aanderaa_ancillary = 'optode_FoilCoefA1 optode_FoilCoefA2 optode_FoilCoefA3 optode_FoilCoefA4 optode_FoilCoefA5 optode_FoilCoefA6 optode_FoilCoefA7 optode_FoilCoefA8 optode_FoilCoefA9 optode_FoilCoefA10 optode_FoilCoefA11 optode_FoilCoefA12 optode_FoilCoefA13 optode_FoilCoefB1 optode_FoilCoefB2 optode_FoilCoefB3 optode_FoilCoefB4 optode_FoilCoefB5 optode_FoilCoefB6 optode_PhaseCoef0 optode_PhaseCoef1 optode_PhaseCoef2 optode_PhaseCoef3 optode_ConcCoef0 optode_ConcCoef1 optode_SVU_enabled optode_TempCoef0 optode_TempCoef1 optode_TempCoef2 optode_TempCoef3 optode_TempCoef4 optode_TempCoef5'
if 'optode_FoilCoefA1' in sg_cal:
ds_sensor['aa4831'] = ds_sensor['sbe41']
ds_sensor['aa4831'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Aanderaa 4831F Oxygen Sensor'
ds_sensor['aa4831'].attrs['ancillary_variables'] = aanderaa_ancillary
if 'aa4330' in ds_sensor.variables:
ds_sensor['aa4330'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Aanderaa 4330 Oxygen Sensor'
ds_sensor['aa4330'].attrs['ancillary_variables'] = aanderaa_ancillary
def add_sensor_to_dataset(dsa, ds, sg_cal, firstrun=False):
sensors = list(ds)
sensor_name_type = {}
for instr in sensors:
if firstrun:
if instr in ["altimeter"]:
attr_dict = ds[instr].attrs
# Code to parse details from sg_cal and calibcomm into the attributes for CTD
if instr == 'sbe41':
if attr_dict["make_model"]=="unpumped Seabird SBE41":
attr_dict["make_model"] = "Seabird unpumped CTD"
if attr_dict["make_model"] not in vocabularies.sensor_vocabs.keys():
_log.error(f"sensor {attr_dict['make_model']} not found")
var_dict = vocabularies.sensor_vocabs[attr_dict["make_model"]]
calstr = sg_cal['calibcomm'].values.item().decode('utf-8')
if firstrun:"sg_cal_calibcomm: {calstr}")
print(f"sg_cal_calibcomm: {calstr}")
cal_date, serial_number = utilities._parse_calibcomm(calstr, firstrun)
var_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number
var_dict["long_name"] += f":{serial_number}"
var_dict["calibration_date"] = cal_date
if "ancillary_variables" in attr_dict.keys():
ancilliary_vars = attr_dict["ancillary_variables"]
anc_var_list = utilities._clean_anc_vars_list(attr_dict["ancillary_variables"])
calvals = utilities._assign_calval(sg_cal, anc_var_list)
var_dict["calibration_parameters"] = calvals
da = xr.DataArray(attrs=var_dict)
if serial_number is not None:
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}_{serial_number}".upper().replace(
" ",
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}".upper().replace(
" ",
dsa[sensor_var_name] = da
sensor_name_type[var_dict["sensor_type"]] = sensor_var_name
# Handle oxygen sensor
optode_flag = False
if instr == 'sbe43':
attr_dict["make_model"] = "Seabird SBE43F"
if attr_dict["make_model"] not in vocabularies.sensor_vocabs.keys():
_log.error(f"sensor {attr_dict['make_model']} not found")
var_dict = vocabularies.sensor_vocabs[attr_dict["make_model"]]
optode_flag = True
if instr == 'aa4381':
attr_dict["make_model"] = "Aanderaa 4381"
if attr_dict["make_model"] not in vocabularies.sensor_vocabs.keys():
_log.error(f"sensor {attr_dict['make_model']} not found")
var_dict = vocabularies.sensor_vocabs[attr_dict["make_model"]]
optode_flag = True
if instr == 'aa4330':
attr_dict["make_model"] = "Aanderaa 4330"
if attr_dict["make_model"] not in vocabularies.sensor_vocabs.keys():
_log.error(f"sensor {attr_dict['make_model']} not found")
var_dict = vocabularies.sensor_vocabs[attr_dict["make_model"]]
optode_flag = True
if optode_flag:
if 'calibcomm_oxygen' in sg_cal:
calstr = sg_cal['calibcomm_oxygen'].values.item().decode('utf-8')
if firstrun:"sg_cal_calibcomm_oxygen: {calstr}")
print(f"sg_cal_calibcomm_oxygen: {calstr}")
cal_date, serial_number = utilities._parse_calibcomm(calstr, firstrun)
elif 'calibcomm_optode' in sg_cal:
calstr = sg_cal['calibcomm_optode'].values.item().decode('utf-8')
if firstrun:"sg_cal_calibcomm_optode: {calstr}")
print(f"sg_cal_calibcomm_optode: {calstr}")
cal_date, serial_number = utilities._parse_calibcomm(calstr, firstrun)
var_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number
var_dict["long_name"] += f":{serial_number}"
var_dict["calibration_date"] = cal_date
# All the sg_cal_optode_*
if "ancillary_variables" in attr_dict.keys():
ancilliary_vars = attr_dict["ancillary_variables"]
anc_var_list = utilities._clean_anc_vars_list(attr_dict["ancillary_variables"])
calvals = utilities._assign_calval(sg_cal, anc_var_list)
var_dict["calibration_parameters"] = calvals
da = xr.DataArray(attrs=var_dict)
if serial_number is not None:
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}_{serial_number}".upper().replace(
" ",
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}".upper().replace(
" ",
dsa[sensor_var_name] = da
sensor_name_type[var_dict["sensor_type"]] = sensor_var_name
if instr == 'wlbb2f':
if attr_dict["make_model"]=="Wetlabs backscatter fluorescence puck":
attr_dict["make_model"] = "Wetlabs BB2FL-VMT"
if attr_dict["make_model"] not in vocabularies.sensor_vocabs.keys():
_log.error(f"sensor {attr_dict['make_model']} not found")
var_dict = vocabularies.sensor_vocabs[attr_dict["make_model"]]
# Not in sample dataset - see whether more recent files have calibration information
# cal_date, serial_number = utilities._parse_calibcomm(sg_cal['calibcomm'])
# if serial_number is not None:
# var_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number
# var_dict["long_name"] += f":{serial_number}"
# if cal_date is not None:
# var_dict["calibration_date"] = cal_date
serial_number = None
da = xr.DataArray(attrs=var_dict)
if serial_number:
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}_{serial_number}".upper().replace(
" ",
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}".upper().replace(
" ",
dsa[sensor_var_name] = da
sensor_name_type[var_dict["sensor_type"]] = sensor_var_name
if "ancillary_variables" in attr_dict.keys():
ancilliary_vars = attr_dict["ancillary_variables"]
anc_var_list = utilities._clean_anc_vars_list(attr_dict["ancillary_variables"])
calvals = utilities._assign_calval(sg_cal, anc_var_list)
var_dict["calibration_parameters"] = calvals
da = xr.DataArray(attrs=var_dict)
if serial_number is not None:
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}_{serial_number}".upper().replace(
" ",
sensor_var_name = f"sensor_{var_dict['sensor_type']}".upper().replace(
" ",
if firstrun:'Adding sensor:', sensor_var_name)
dsa[sensor_var_name] = da
sensor_name_type[var_dict["sensor_type"]] = sensor_var_name
return dsa
def add_dive_number(ds, dive_number=None):
Add dive number as a variable to the dataset. Assumes present in the basestation attributes.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset to which the dive number will be added.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with the dive number added.
if dive_number==None:
dive_number = ds.attrs.get('dive_number', np.nan)
return ds.assign(divenum=('N_MEASUREMENTS', [dive_number] * ds.dims['N_MEASUREMENTS']))
def assign_profile_number(ds, ds1):
# Remove the variable dive_num_cast if it exists
if 'dive_num_cast' in ds.variables:
ds = ds.drop_vars('dive_num_cast')
# Initialize the new variable with the same dimensions as dive_num
ds['dive_num_cast'] = (['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.full(ds.dims['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.nan))
ds = add_dive_number(ds, ds1.attrs['dive_number'])
# Iterate over each unique dive_num
for dive in np.unique(ds['divenum']):
# Get the indices for the current dive
dive_indices = np.where(ds['divenum'] == dive)[0]
# Find the start and end index for the current dive
start_index = dive_indices[0]
end_index = dive_indices[-1]
# Find the index of the maximum pressure between start_index and end_index
pmax = np.nanmax(ds['PRES'][start_index:end_index + 1].values)
# Find the index where PRES attains the value pmax between start_index and end_index
pmax_index = start_index + np.argmax(ds['PRES'][start_index:end_index + 1].values == pmax)
# Assign dive_num to all values up to and including the point where pmax is reached
ds['dive_num_cast'][start_index:pmax_index + 1] = dive
# Assign dive_num + 0.5 to all values after pmax is reached
ds['dive_num_cast'][pmax_index + 1:end_index + 1] = dive + 0.5
# Remove the variable PROFILE_NUMBER if it exists
if 'PROFILE_NUMBER' in ds.variables:
ds = ds.drop_vars('PROFILE_NUMBER')
# Assign PROFILE_NUMBER as 2 * dive_num_cast - 1
ds['PROFILE_NUMBER'] = 2 * ds['dive_num_cast'] - 1
return ds
def assign_phase(ds):
This function adds new variables 'PHASE' and 'PHASE_QC' to the dataset `ds`, which indicate the phase of each measurement. The phase is determined based on the pressure readings ('PRES') for each unique dive number ('dive_num').
Note: In this formulation, we are only separating into dives and climbs based on when the glider is at the maximum depth. Future work needs to separate out the other phases: and generate a PHASE_QC.
Assigns phase values to the dataset based on pressure readings.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The input dataset containing 'dive_num' and 'PRES' variables.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with an additional 'PHASE' variable, where:
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with additional 'PHASE' and 'PHASE_QC' variables, where:
- 'PHASE' indicates the phase of each measurement:
- Phase 2 is assigned to measurements up to and including the maximum pressure point.
- Phase 1 is assigned to measurements after the maximum pressure point.
- 'PHASE_QC' is an additional variable with no QC applied.
Note: In this formulation, we are only separating into dives and climbs based on when the glider is at the maximum depth. Future work needs to separate out the other phases: and generate a PHASE_QC
# Determine the correct keystring for divenum
if 'dive_number' in ds.variables:
divenum_str = 'dive_number'
elif 'divenum' in ds.variables:
divenum_str = 'divenum'
elif 'dive_num' in ds.variables:
divenum_str = 'dive_num'
raise ValueError("No valid dive number variable found in the dataset.")
# Initialize the new variable with the same dimensions as dive_num
ds['PHASE'] = (['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.full(ds.dims['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.nan))
# Initialize the new variable PHASE_QC with the same dimensions as dive_num
ds['PHASE_QC'] = (['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.zeros(ds.dims['N_MEASUREMENTS'], dtype=int))
# Iterate over each unique dive_num
for dive in np.unique(ds[divenum_str]):
# Get the indices for the current dive
dive_indices = np.where(ds[divenum_str] == dive)[0]
# Find the start and end index for the current dive
start_index = dive_indices[0]
end_index = dive_indices[-1]
# Find the index of the maximum pressure between start_index and end_index
pmax = np.nanmax(ds['PRES'][start_index:end_index + 1].values)
# Find the index where PRES attains the value pmax between start_index and end_index
pmax_index = start_index + np.argmax(ds['PRES'][start_index:end_index + 1].values == pmax)
# Assign phase 2 to all values up to and including the point where pmax is reached
ds['PHASE'][start_index:pmax_index + 1] = 2
# Assign phase 1 to all values after pmax is reached
ds['PHASE'][pmax_index + 1:end_index + 1] = 1
# Assign phase 3 to the time at the beginning of the dive, between the first valid TIME_GPS and the second valid TIME_GPS
valid_time_gps_indices = np.where(~np.isnan(ds['TIME_GPS'][start_index:end_index + 1].values))[0]
if len(valid_time_gps_indices) >= 2:
first_valid_index = start_index + valid_time_gps_indices[0]
second_valid_index = start_index + valid_time_gps_indices[1]
ds['PHASE'][first_valid_index:second_valid_index + 1] = 3
return ds
## Calculations for new variables
def calc_Z(ds):
Calculate the depth (Z position) of the glider using the gsw library to convert pressure to depth.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The input dataset containing 'PRES', 'LATITUDE', and 'LONGITUDE' variables.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with an additional 'DEPTH' variable.
# Ensure the required variables are present
if 'PRES' not in ds.variables or 'LATITUDE' not in ds.variables:
raise ValueError("Dataset must contain 'PRES' and 'LATITUDE' variables.")
# Initialize the new variable with the same dimensions as dive_num
ds['DEPTH_Z'] = (['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.full(ds.dims['N_MEASUREMENTS'], np.nan))
# Calculate depth using gsw
depth = gsw.z_from_p(ds['PRES'], ds['LATITUDE'])
ds['DEPTH_Z'] = depth
# Assign the calculated depth to a new variable in the dataset
ds['DEPTH_Z'].attrs = {
"units": "meters",
"positive": "up",
"standard_name": "depth",
"comment": "Depth calculated from pressure using gsw library, positive up.",
return ds
def get_sg_attrs(ds):
id = ds.attrs['id']
sg_cal, _, _ = extract_variables(ds)
sg_vars_dict = {}
for var, data in sg_cal.items():
sg_vars_dict[var] = {attr: data.attrs.get(attr, '') for attr in data.attrs}
return sg_vars_dict
def split_by_unique_dims(ds):
Splits an xarray dataset into multiple datasets based on the unique set of dimensions of the variables.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The input xarray dataset containing various variables.
tuple: A tuple containing xarray datasets, each with variables sharing the same set of dimensions.
# Dictionary to hold datasets with unique dimension sets
unique_dims_datasets = {}
# Iterate over the variables in the dataset
for var_name, var_data in ds.data_vars.items():
# Get the dimensions of the variable
dims = tuple(var_data.dims)
# If this dimension set is not in the dictionary, create a new dataset
if dims not in unique_dims_datasets:
unique_dims_datasets[dims] = xr.Dataset()
# Add the variable to the corresponding dataset
unique_dims_datasets[dims][var_name] = var_data
# Convert the dictionary values to a dictionary of datasets
return {dims: dataset for dims, dataset in unique_dims_datasets.items()}
def convert_units(ds):
Convert the units of variables in an xarray Dataset to preferred units. This is useful, for instance, to convert cm/s to m/s.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset containing variables to convert.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with converted units.
for var in ds.variables:
var_values = ds[var].values
orig_unit = ds[var].attrs.get('units')
if 'units' in vocabularies.vocab_attrs[OG1_name]:
new_unit = vocabularies.vocab_attrs[OG1_name].get('units')
if orig_unit != new_unit:
var_values, new_unit = tools.convert_units_var(var_values, orig_unit, new_unit)
ds[var].values = var_values
ds[var].attrs['units'] = new_unit
return ds
def convert_units_var(var_values, current_unit, new_unit, unit1_to_unit2=vocabularies.unit1_to_unit2, firstrun=False):
Convert the units of variables in an xarray Dataset to preferred units. This is useful, for instance, to convert cm/s to m/s.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The dataset containing variables to convert.
preferred_units (list): A list of strings representing the preferred units.
unit1_to_unit2 (dict): A dictionary mapping current units to conversion information.
Each key is a unit string, and each value is a dictionary with:
- 'factor': The factor to multiply the variable by to convert it.
- 'units_name': The new unit name after conversion.
xarray.Dataset: The dataset with converted units.
current_unit = reformat_units_str(current_unit)
new_unit = reformat_units_str(new_unit)
u1_to_u2 = current_unit + '_to_' + new_unit
if u1_to_u2 in unit1_to_unit2.keys():
conversion_factor = unit1_to_unit2[u1_to_u2]['factor']
new_values = var_values * conversion_factor
new_values = var_values
new_unit = current_unit
if firstrun:
_log.warning(f"No conversion information found for {current_unit} to {new_unit}")
# raise ValueError(f"No conversion information found for {current_unit} to {new_unit}")
return new_values, new_unit
def convert_qc_flags(dsa, qc_name):
# Must be called *after* var_name has OG1 long_name
var_name = qc_name[:-3]
if qc_name in list(dsa):
# Seaglider default type was a string. Convert to int8.
dsa[qc_name].values = dsa[qc_name].values.astype("int8")
# Seaglider default flag_meanings were prefixed with 'QC_'. Remove this prefix.
if 'flag_meaning' in dsa[qc_name].attrs:
flag_meaning = dsa[qc_name].attrs['flag_meaning']
dsa[qc_name].attrs['flag_meaning'] = flag_meaning.replace('QC_', '')
# Add a long_name attribute to the QC variable
dsa[qc_name].attrs['long_name'] = dsa[var_name].attrs.get('long_name', '') + ' quality flag'
dsa[qc_name].attrs['standard_name'] = 'status_flag'
# Mention the QC variable in the variable attributes
dsa[var_name].attrs['ancillary_variables'] = qc_name
return dsa
def find_best_dtype(var_name, da):
input_dtype = da.dtype.type
if "latitude" in var_name.lower() or "longitude" in var_name.lower():
return np.double
if var_name[-2:].lower() == "qc":
return np.int8
if "time" in var_name.lower():
return input_dtype
if var_name[-3:] == "raw" or "int" in str(input_dtype):
if np.nanmax(da.values) < 2**16 / 2:
return np.int16
elif np.nanmax(da.values) < 2**32 / 2:
return np.int32
if input_dtype == np.float64:
return np.float32
return input_dtype
def set_fill_value(new_dtype):
fill_val = 2 ** (int(re.findall("\d+", str(new_dtype))[0]) - 1) - 1
return fill_val
def set_best_dtype(ds):
bytes_in = ds.nbytes
for var_name in list(ds):
da = ds[var_name]
input_dtype = da.dtype.type
new_dtype = find_best_dtype(var_name, da)
for att in ["valid_min", "valid_max"]:
if att in da.attrs.keys():
da.attrs[att] = np.array(da.attrs[att]).astype(new_dtype)
if new_dtype == input_dtype:
_log.debug(f"{var_name} input dtype {input_dtype} change to {new_dtype}")
da_new = da.astype(new_dtype)
ds = ds.drop_vars(var_name)
if "int" in str(new_dtype):
fill_val = set_fill_value(new_dtype)
da_new[np.isnan(da)] = fill_val
da_new.encoding["_FillValue"] = fill_val
ds[var_name] = da_new
bytes_out = ds.nbytes
f"Space saved by dtype downgrade: {int(100 * (bytes_in - bytes_out) / bytes_in)} %",
return ds
def set_best_dtype_value(value, var_name):
Determines the best data type for a single value based on its variable name and converts it.
value : any
The input value to convert.
converted_value : any
The value converted to the best data type.
input_dtype = type(value)
new_dtype = find_best_dtype(var_name, xr.DataArray(value))
if new_dtype == input_dtype:
return value
converted_value = np.array(value).astype(new_dtype)
if "int" in str(new_dtype) and np.isnan(value):
fill_val = set_fill_value(new_dtype)
converted_value = fill_val
return converted_value
def find_best_dtype(var_name, da):
input_dtype = da.dtype.type
if "latitude" in var_name.lower() or "longitude" in var_name.lower():
return np.double
if var_name[-2:].lower() == "qc":
return np.int8
if "time" in var_name.lower():
return input_dtype
if var_name[-3:] == "raw" or "int" in str(input_dtype):
if np.nanmax(da.values) < 2**16 / 2:
return np.int16
elif np.nanmax(da.values) < 2**32 / 2:
return np.int32
if input_dtype == np.float64:
return np.float32
return input_dtype
def encode_times(ds):
if "units" in ds.time.attrs.keys():
if "calendar" in ds.time.attrs.keys():
ds["time"].encoding["units"] = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
for var_name in list(ds):
if "time" in var_name.lower() and not var_name == "time":
for drop_attr in ["units", "calendar", "dtype"]:
if drop_attr in ds[var_name].attrs.keys():
ds[var_name].encoding["units"] = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
return ds
def encode_times_og1(ds):
for var_name in ds.variables:
if "axis" in ds[var_name].attrs.keys():
if "time" in var_name.lower():
for drop_attr in ["units", "calendar", "dtype"]:
if drop_attr in ds[var_name].attrs.keys():
if drop_attr in ds[var_name].encoding.keys():
if var_name.lower() == "time":
ds[var_name].attrs["units"] = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
ds[var_name].attrs["calendar"] = "gregorian"
return ds
# Unused functions