Course catalog listing

Course catalog listing#

Ozeanische Messübung

Course number: 63-710

Lecturer: Eleanor Frajka-Williams

Course type: Core course

Note that this course is specifically intended for students specialising in Oceanography in the 3 or 5 semester, who have participated in (or intend to participate in) the Ozeanische Seepraktikum.

Learning outcomes: Experimental design for ocean measurement techniques in the lab and field. Using standard instrumentation with manufacturer’s software and processing, and scientific programming for basic data analysis.

Contents: Laboratory and field exercises to learn about ocean measurements. Experiments with rotating tables, water tanks and local estuarine measurements, in small groups of 3-6 students. Introduction to measurement techniques for example for ocean salinity with oceanographic instrumentation. Basic analysis of data from instruments including treatment of absolute accuracy, reproducibility, precision and response time.

Formal/recommended prerequisites:

Recommended: Prior experience with a programming language (Matlab or Python), basic knowledge in maths and statistics.

Workload/credit points: Block course in the Semester break. Date and time will be given.

Exam: No exam. Pass/fail.

Reference semester: 3 or 5

Frequency of offer: Annually

Literature: Emery and Thomsen (2014) Data analysis methods in physical oceanography.