Assignment 1#

Due 3 June Due 7 June (Friday)

For SuSe24, you will have a choice of assignments. Half the class will work on one problem, half on the other. However the work is individual - not group. You may discuss approaches with others; you may share code for loading datasets; you should decide your own analyses (can be in discussion) and write the code for the analysis yourself.

Assignment 1: You must turn in working code in a repository, along with the generated figures and a report. The code should only need to be adjusted by specifying a different path for the input datasets. Your report should include a section for future work.

(A) moored CTDs

Evaluating two moored CTDs: a microCAT and RBR

Correct dropouts, quantify bias. Assess subsampling + in situ cals.

(B) Geostrophy

Evaluating effect of salinity error and/or ref level choice on geostrophic transport.

Quantify sensitivity of transport estimates to error & choices.


Assignment A “Moored CTD”: Katja, Quentin, Simon, Georg, Yves, Anagha

Assignment B “Geostrophy”: Mikhail, Leonie, Isabelle, David, Julian, Till