We will grow the glossary as we go along. Please suggest terms to add to the glossary in the MIN Moodle forum.
- accuracy#
how well the observation reproduces a well-defined standard that is usually set by an international group, from [Talley et al., 2011], Chapter 6.2.
- bias error#
an offset of the measured values from the true values, from [Talley et al., 2011], Chapter 6.2.
- error#
the difference between a measurement result and the value of the measurand, from [Cohen, 1996].
- precision#
the repeatability of an observation using a given instrument or observing system, from [Talley et al., 2011], Chapter 6.2.
- random error#
see [Talley et al., 2011], Chapter 6.2.
- uncertainty#
the reliability of the assertion that the stated measurement result represents the value of the measurand, or more specifically “a parameter, associated with the result of the measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand” from [Cohen, 1996].