Group Assignment#
Due 9 July
This is a group assignment which should (for the most part) be completed in class. The purpose is to get some practice estimating required number of working days + transit for a large, seagoing expedition, and to think about constraints on working period (e.g. due to weather or otherwise).
Submission requirements: You should turn in your answer as a document (e.g., PDF, word or otherwise) to the Moodle. The assignment should be submitted in groups. This should be approximately 1 side of an A4. For each short answer (start/end date) please justify your answer with 1-2 sentences explanation. For the table of working hours, please justify your calculation with a short paragraph.
Short answer: A cruise proposal should specify details that help the coordination center to program the cruise. These include:
Suitable start/end date (when in the year, OR if part of a long-term program, the latest recovery-by date based on battery capacity of instruments)
Preferred port of mobilisation/demobilisation
Number of science days + transit (calculation based on preferred ports of mob/demob)
Large equipment (not laboratory) requirements. Will you need the shipboard ADCP to be operational? CTD winch (and to what depth), a mooring winch for deploying/recovering moorings?
Table of working hours: In the table of working hours (cruise template section 2.2.4) you should include transit time from the port of mobilisation to the point of starting working (and end of working to demob) as well as an estimate of transit for the cruise overall. Each working activity (e.g. CTDs and moorings) should be enumerated with an average time per activity and number of activities, so that the total number of working hours can be estimated.
(1) Hydrographic section 24°N
Estimating duration of time for a hydrographic cruise
Number of CTD casts x duration per cast, + transit from port to finish.
Group A: Till, Quentin, Katja - on RAPID moorings
Group B: David, Julian, Isabelle - on hydro cruise
Group C: Leonie, Simon - on hydro cruise
Group D: Georgii, Mikhail - on RAPID moorings